Tuesday, August 13, 2013

The Adventure of H2O is a fun and adventurous fiction pictured book that introduces challenges and excitement of growth through the story of metamorphosis of a water droplet in the water cycle. The book shows children that overcoming daily challenges is a part of growing. Book tells young readers about the science behind formation of rain. 
Name of the main character lets children effortlessly remember the chemical formula of water. Amazing colorful pictures captivate without taking away the focus from the story line. They just make book more memorable and enjoyable.
The idea of the book came to me on a gloomy rainy day when my baby girl told me she hated rain! I tried to explain her the benefits of rain and how vital rain is for our planet! But she continued saying that she hated rain. Knowing her loves for stories I tried to think about a story that she would like. That's how the adventure of a droplet was born.   
The main character's name is H2O, he's a curious and smart droplet who has passion to grow. During his journey of growing he faced challenges that he worked to overcome. Finally he became a big raindrop and fell back to the ocean that was waiting for him.

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